Recently, a website that sells modest clothes for women asked me if I would write a few words about my definition of modesty. I generally don’t do that sort of thing…but since I’ve thought a lot about the topic and they only wanted around 100 words, I said okay. And since I live in SoCal and spend time on the beach, I do have a few thoughts about what’s appropriate and what I really didn’t need to see.
So, what is modesty? Is it the length of your skirt or the cut of your blouse? Modesty isn’t less than that, but it certainly is much more.
Modesty has to do with humility, with the determination not to show-off, not to seek to prove that one can “pull off” a certain look, or have the power to cause others to notice you. It’s also the humility that looks at others and refuses to self-righteously judge them. It’s freedom from the inner fashionista who tells you that you’re alternately gorgeous and a slob or…. And it’s freedom from judging others, whether they’re as SoCal immodest or they dress like your granny.
Modesty is love of neighbor.
Sure, it is love of the brothers who will see you, but it’s also love for the women who will look at you and envy you or hate you. Modesty means that you don’t have anything to prove, one way or another, by what you wear.
You don’t have anything to prove because everything that needed to be said about you was already said by a naked man hanging on a cross.
Modesty means that you dress in such a way that it makes it easy for others around you to love the Lord and love you. You make people comfortable. It means that you’re resting in what Jesus has done for you.
Modestly is the heart that Jesus had when he refused to show off by making stones into bread.
Could he have done it? Sure. But he didn’t need to. It’s in that way that Jesus was the most modest person who ever lived. And if you’re trusting him his record of perfect modesty is yours. So, before you decide what you’re going to wear, why not take a moment or two to rest in his work, then love your neighbor for him.
Come to Me and I will give you rest...
He’ll give you rest from the nonstop merry-go-round of trying to wear just the right thing. After all, he’s the one who said, “The body is more than clothing.” Rest in his record of modesty and love your neighbor.
This is the link to the website that sells modest clothing. Not an endorsement, but just in case you’re interested:
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