Over the past few decades, I’ve done a lot of writing. As a matter of fact I’ve written 23 books (with one more due out next Spring) since 1998 when “Women Helping Women” first came out. As thankful as I am for those books and the opportunities to write them, I’ll admit that I’ve missed interacting with you, my audience.
So…I’ve declined a book offer (though I may revisit it later!) and decided that for the next year or so, I’m going to focus more on connecting with you again. This will look like my spending a bit more time on social media–which as a senior citizen gives me hives–and a lot more time blogging. I hope to hear from you often and will try to be more personal with you.
I’m also planning to create a podcast of my own. Not that I’m going to jump off Front Porch with the Fitzes, just that I want to spend a little more time talking with you about the things that interest you and interest me, too. Sometimes we’ll just visit about life in SoCal and at other times I’ll ask a counselor friend or two on for a deep dive into helping people.
Here’s where you come in: If you’ve got something you’d like to see me blog or podcast about, then leave a comment and I’ll try to get to it. Also if you have any thoughts about what to call my podcast, let me know that, too!
There you go! As they said in Poltergeist, “I’m baaacccckkkk!”