This week we have Fitzfaithful, Athena Deck, on to talk about her work with the company Mud Love But first she leads us in a couple hilarious games of Mad Libs. Pop closes out the podcast with a devotional on sharing the good news.
Episode 200: Family Fights, Grace Encounter, and Jeremiah
A Fitzfaithful asked if our family ever fights, well we answer that question with a recounting of our recent trip to Florida. We talk about Grace Encounter. The conference we just went to. Then Elyse closes out the podcast with a great devotional from Jeremiah 31.
Episode 118: Cookies, Pirates, and Martin Cachero
In this week’s episode we talk about Girl Scout cookies. We talk about how pastors could learn a thing or two from pirates. Then Martin Cachero, the pastor of joins us to talk about the importance of diversity in the church.
Episode 117: Grace Encounter, Jerry Q. Parries, and Kevin Labby
We are continuing our month of having not just white people on the podcast. This week we have Jerry Q. Parries pastor of Christian Family Worship Center House of Grace and Kevin Labby pastor of Willow Creek Presbyterian Church. They both join us to talk about the Grace Encounter Conference. It is shorter than our normal podcast but still full of all the goodness.
Episode 115: Mud Slide, The Witness, and Tyler Burns
This week we have Tyler Burns from Pass the Mic on our podcast. There is not much to say about it other than listen with an open heart.
Episode 114: Ice Chewers, Surprising Seat Guests, and Jess Delgado
In this week’s podcast, we talk about a recent family trip to see the movie Jumanji. There was a lot going on. For the month of January we are going to be interviewing who help us understand ethnicity and the church in a better way. This week, our friend, Jess Delgado joins us to talk about what she has experienced and what she is doing to change things.